martes, 28 de abril de 2020


1kg of hydrated chickpeas
110g tahin
100g olive oil
70g lemon juice
100g (or more) water. I added the water where I boiled the chickpeas.
1 table spoon of rice vinegar
Chili to taste

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016


Appeltaart (Dutch apple tart)

1 hr 25 min

Serves: 12
For the pastry
250g plain flour
175g butter, softened
80g caster sugar
2 eggs (1½ for the pastry mixture, ½ for brushing the top)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

For the filling
1 kg apples (tart, bit sour)
50g caster sugar
70g sultanas
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon

Prep:25min › Cook:1hr › Ready in:1hr25min
Mix the flour, softened butter, sugar, cinnamon and 1½ eggs in a bowl. Knead it with your hands to a consistent, smooth dough.
Roll out ¾ of the dough to cover the bottom and sides of a greased round (24cm) cake tin or spring form tin.
Preheat the oven to 170 C / Gas 3.
Peel, core and slice the apples. Mix this with 50g sugar, sultanas and cinnamon. Put this mixture into the prepared cake tin.
Roll out the remaining dough and cut into long strips, each about 1cm wide. Start with the longest strips and lay the first two in an X in the centre of the pie. Alternate horizontal and vertical strips, weaving them in an over-and-under pattern. Use the shortest strips for the edges of the lattice. If you're having trouble removing the dough from the work surface, roll the strips up like a rug and unroll them onto the pie. Press the ends of the strips firmly to the edge of the pie and trim away any excess dough with a knife. Brush with remaining (beaten) egg.
Bake for 60-65 minutes, or until pastry is light brown.

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

Surimi Salad


1 avocado
1 pack surimi sticks
1 tomato without peel or seeds
50 gr celery
1/4 onion
1/2 lime juice
1/2 lemon juice
black pepper

Chop all ingredients in small cubes and season.

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

Thai Soup

Cocinar una cebolla a cocinar un con poquito de aceite de coco (puede ser cualquier aceite) despues que la cebolla esta lista agrego agua, y pongo el resto de los ingredientes cilantro, algunas hojitas de menta, un pimiento picante, 2 ajos, gengibre, ajo, puerro. y dejo hervir por 10 min, agrego hongos cortados en cuartos, los dejo 5 minutitos agrego los brotes de soja y apago el fuego.

condimento con salsa de pescado o salsa de soja y media lima

si queres le podes agregar leche de coco (si queres mas cremosa) y por supuesto, podes agregarle pedazos de pescado, langostinos, carne o pollo.

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

Green Curry paste


4 small green Thai chilies,
4 green chilies
1/4 cup onion
5 cloves garlic
1 thumb-size piece ginger
1 stalk fresh lemongrass
1/2 tsp. ground coriander
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1 cup fresh coriander/cilantro leaves and stems, chopped
1/2 tsp. ground white pepper
2 Tbsp. lime juice

3 Tbsp. fish sauce
3 Tbsp. soya sauce
1 tsp. brown sugar
2 scallions or spring onions
1 green paprika
mint leaves

Place all the ingredients together in a food processor, and process to a paste. If necessary, add a few Tbsp. of the coconut milk to help blend ingredients. Set aside.
Cook until boiling point for 1 minute then add coconut milk and chicken/fish/meat.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013



200 butter,
150 sugar
3 yolks
200 flour
300 škrob (
1 little spoon soda bikarbona
1 pak pražak za pecivo

1 spoon cognac
1 spoon vanilla extract
1 spoon lemon zest

In a bowl put the butter block (you should not melt it) and use a folk to mix it with the sugar as much as you can
Add the yolks and the “optional ingredients” if you like and mix everything very well.
Add the flours, the pražak and bikarbona and mix until you make a dough.
It will be difficult to make a normal soft dough, it will make some crumbles and break easily, if you see that it doesn’t stick at all add some of the egg-whites, but not a lot. Once you more or less have a ball of dough you may use the rolling pin to get it to a high of half centimeter, the cook in preheated oven (about 180 degrees)for about 15 min, it has to slightly change color, not too much.
They are pretty easy to cook and easy to eat.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Torta de zanahoria

2 huevos
2 zanahoiras medianas bien picadas
1 taza de azucar marron
1 taza de harina comun
1 sobre de polvo de hornear
1 cucharada de gengibre
1 lima (jugo y ralladura)
1/2 taza de aceite
1 cucharada rum
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato
1 pica sal

qwark magro 500
una cucharada azucar
Frutillas frescas

batir con mixer/batidora los huevos y el azucar hasta que el azucar se disuelva y llegue al doble de su tamanio.
incorporar el aceite y la zanahoria rallada y batir hasta conseguir una mezcla homogenea. No batir mas.
incorporar la lima, el gengibre y el rum revolviendo suavemente.
en un recipiente aparte mezclar el harina con el bicarbonato y el polvo de hornear.
poco a poco incorporar los secos a la mezcla.
una vez que esta todo incorporado, vertir un una fuente enmantecada y cocinar a bano maria por una hora.